Sunday 10 July 2011

Letter From Ana

All that progress you made - those 2.5kg you lost, that BMI point you dropped - all down the drain. Can you see it now? That every calorie counts? Hon, you need to listen to me more.

When you need to eat, just think of that feeling as you looked down at the scale and it read 49. Sure, you'd just scoffed four diet tightest and a glass of milk. Sure,you hadn't been to the toilet for ages. So maybe you had a little extra weight inside of you.


Let's face it, sweetie. Today and yesterday were a failure. But if you step it up a bit, we can make this happen. Just don't eat tomorrow honey.

All my love,


Shit. I gorged myself at my friends house on bloody PRETZELS and believe it or not I'm back to 49kg. Shit.

Right. Now it's personal.

Saturday 9 July 2011


Gawddd! Yesterday was such a failure!! But it taught me an invaluable lesson- If I eat breakfast, it just sets me up for a day of overeating. Shit, I only have three days to lose half a kilo (I want to be 47kg by bali on Wednesday)! Anyway, I like lists, so Im gonna cheer myself up my posting one on here.

Rewards and Goals
47kg - buy songs off iTunes that I desperately need (by July 13th)
46kg - wear the jegging that can be unflattering without a cover-up longer shirt (July 31st)
45kg - nachos from the school canteen
44kg - normal eating day
43kg - wear eyeshadow and a little eyeliner to school
42kg - normal eating day and get afternoon tea from bakery
41kg - read The Appeal again
40kg - be stunning (by Summer)

And I think I can get there. Considering I was 50kg little over a month ago, I'm not doing too bad. Oh, by the way, I can speak Japanese. Hehe!!


Friday 8 July 2011


I guess im kinda new to the world of Ana. But it doesn't feel that way. I look back at 2 months ago and wonder "How did I ever not think the way I do now?" Even when I started this blog, I wasn't this obsessed.

However, my hard work (which has included, believe it or not ONLY ONE day with eating only dinner, I know, I'm such a slacker) has actually paid off. I was 50 kg with a bmi of 18.8 when I started this blog. Now I'm a MIRACULOUS 47.5kg with a bmi of 17.7.


Today was GREAT! My younger brothers (twins)and my lovely dad went to the home of Aussie footy with my bros' junior football team. They're having a great time and so am I seeing as everyone was too busy to check if I had eaten breakfast (which I hadn't), then I said I wasn't hungry at the airport and only got a 70cal vitamin water (which I made last for the entire day), then didn't eat until dinner (sushi at the lcoal food hall)!!! OMG I can't bloody believe it. I know this may sound stupid, but I've never skipped breakfast in my entire life. It felt great. I was riding a high the whole day.

Love to anyone who may read this blog!! Ride that nonfood high all the way home lovies:-)