Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Unexpected Losses

Hey!! Well, it's official - I have my first follower! Thank you so much americaneaglelove for commenting! I'm a cross country runner too, it definitely made me and (as far as I can tell) my running friends want to be skinnier!

Well, despite unavoidable eating, I have not gained one gram. In fact, I have lost, so that while my weight was just above 46kg a week ago, it's now exactly 46. That is VERY good!!

Soon, I will become more hardcore in my deranged eating habits. Putting done cutlery between bites, sitting up straight and refusing food whenever possible are just a few of the things I plan on transforming into habits. I will do it.

Today I ate nothing all day except for a quarter muffin at afternoon tea and a very healthy dinner with a rather unhealthy dessert. Would estimate calorie consumption at around 500-600. I can do better. Though I have been binging every afternoon since Monday, the thing is, I have eaten little else and despite these binges my calorie consumption remains below 1000. So I have not gained!!

Wish me luck

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